They are those of Sant Cugat (Barcelona), Joaquín Blume (Madrid) and Sierra Nevada (Málaga)

08.03.2020 0 Comment Blog

They are those of Sant Cugat (Barcelona), Joaquín Blume (Madrid) and Sierra Nevada (Málaga)

When a neuropathy occurs to you, I suppose you either cling to the option to walk again or you sink; What was your first impulse?

Well the truth is that a little of everything. First it came to me in three days, I’m fine. Thinking that the world is ending not so much. And then with time I began to think about what I could do with what had happened to me. And that’s where the sport came in because before I had been a karate fighter and then I became a swimmer. Playing sports gave me the feeling of freedom that I needed and to share things with people who were going through the same thing.

What do you dream of more in a pool or of walking again?

Not in walking anymore. Once, but a long time ago. When it happened to me I woke up super tired and I was folded [laughs]. Now I usually dream more or that I swim or that I fly.

What do you fly on a plane?

No, no, birdlike. Almost almost like Superman [laughs]. Frida Kahlo, who had a disease and walked with devices, used to say it: “Why do I want feet if I can fly?” It is a bit that with the mind I can go anywhere. 

After so many years, how is your relationship with the wheelchair….

We get along well. I see her as a friend, although I have not given her a name. I’m too basic for that [smiles]. We are inseparable, although sometimes I have had to leave her because I could not get to a place with her. Then I go down and go to ass. The ass is a lizard face up, you know? [laughs]. In Mexico I wanted to climb a pyramid and I climbed two thousand-odd steps on my ass. It was quite a challenge. 

Listening to you gives the feeling that it is healthy for you to make humor of your disability …

I love humor; that people laugh with affection, with respect and above all with me. Of course yes! If I fall to the ground, have a good laugh… if I haven’t hurt myself a lot [laughs]. I think we waste our time on too much stupid thing.

What does the pool mean to you now?

Freedom. Being able to manage my body however I want. Being able to do all those movements by myself without needing anything external. And on the other hand to be able to be at the same height as others. But for a physical matter, huh? From neck pain. When I’m in the chair, everyone is standing, so I have to look up and I already have 1xbet apk three hernias.  

You will be at the Tokyo 2020 Games, what are you most excited about? 

Well, several things. The first, that under my nose I am still here with 43 years. Another thing, to hear my son tell me that I am a champion. That also makes me excited. And then keep doing a little bit of history because I have two medals left to match Phelps. And jolines is a very cool challenge.

Have you gotten to know him?

We have coincided on the same day and in the same pool, although I have not gotten to know him. But I would love to be able to say: ‘Look, do you know what happened in London, that in the tweets they named you a lot with the name of another girl? Well, look, Michael, the one with the 26 medals is me. ‘ 

Ana Montero, the technical director of the synchronized swimming team, recalled about the changes introduced in the technical duo, which now form Ona ​​Carbonell with Clara Camacho, who had to "gamble" in the Kazan World Cup with a new bet, but that the objective is the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro next summer.


On at 18:43 CEST



World Cup 2015 Swimming

"This is Kazan and the target is Rio. This is where he had to finish gambling"Montero said after the fifth place signed by Carbonell and Camacho, a couple who have only been working for two months.

Initially the bet was a duo with Carbonell and Paula Klamburg (in technical and free), but in the end the team management has decided to align two couples, the one formed by Carbonell and Camacho in the technical and the duo composed of Ona and Klamburg in the technician, after the "feedback received by the judges" in recent competitions, according to Montero.

Regarding the performance in the final, Montero said that in the preliminary they have been more successful in the technical section, while in the afternoon they have improved in energy, but have made technical mistakes.

"They have nailed more the technical elements in the tie and, above all, Clara has lacked a little more security from the beginning", has said.

For Montero, this couple lacks "swim longer together", but overall she is happy. "We have made a bet to divide forces in the free and technical duo so that Paula could improve the work of the free. Clarita technically has a lot of potential and my assessment of the work they have done in two months is really good", has insisted.

"Since Andrea (Fuentes) left, Marga (Crespí) adapted very quickly and when she got injured we opted for Paula. She has her handicaps and her potentials and we have not finished deciding who is the best couple of a runner-up in the world", has explained.

Ona Carbonell has commented that the objective was to swim in the final "with more energy" for "be able to capture the interest of the judges" and that the score went up, just as it happened.

"By cons unlike the preliminary, we have failed more in the elements and we are talking about a technical duo. The note should have been higher if we had synchronized the technical elements, but it is normal, we have only been two months, the goal was to swim with strength, energy and security, and we have achieved that", has said.

Carbonell considers that the fifth place "not bad" for being the first time they swim together. "Clara has done a great job. We must remember that all these duos have been working together for years and we have adapted well to each other.", has opined.

Clara Camacho agrees in the analysis. "We have improved in energy and the desire to compete, but we have failed in some technical elements", has said.

She assures that she has felt more nervous this trick than in the final. "There is a lot of work ahead. We’ve only been with this duo for two months and we’re really looking forward to it continuing to improve.", has insisted

In the succession of twists and turns with continuous rectifications that is characterizing the Government’s strategy to stop the COVID-19 pandemic, Spanish swimming has been one of the great harmed at the dawn of the ‘de-escalation’ … a term that it does not even collect the RAE.

May 12, 2020 at 4:32 pm CEST

David rubio


World Cup 2015 Swimming

While almost all athletes have returned to activity abroad, Health has excluded pools from Phase 1, equating recreational centers with training centers. Furthermore, Spain was the first country to close aquatic centers.

After emphasizing its maximum respect for the Government’s decisions, the Spanish Swimming Federation (RFEN) expressed its “surprise” after learning how article 41.3 of the BOE on Saturday excluded the water areas from this first step back to the so-called ‘new normal’.

Mireia Belmonte, the best Spanish swimmer in history | INSTAGRAM

Thus, “multiple outdoor sports activities are allowed, incomprehensibly excluding swimming pools despite the CSIC report (‘Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in beaches and swimming pools’) of 5/5/20, which endorses the safety of the aquatic environment where the use of disinfectants has been widely implemented for years ”.

Carpena, very upset 

In this sense, the federative president Fernando Carpena demands equality. “We do not ask for any privilege, but to have the same consideration as other outdoor sports modalities,” he stressed.

“If that order is not changed, swimming is excluded as a physical activity for the hundreds of thousands of Spaniards who practice it,” he insisted without hiding his deep discomfort with the Government’s decision. 

With the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Budapest European Games postponed one year until 2021, the swimming season has been hit hard by a coronavirus that has left athletes without the two big 2020 appointments with the Doha World Cup in short pool in December as the next challenge.

More reactions

And the swimmers express their doubts. “It distresses me to think when we will be able to train as before,” explains Catalan Jessica Vall, one of the great references in Spanish swimming with her countless successes in 200 breaststroke as a great argument.

Jessica Vall dreams of returning to the pool as soon as possible | INSTAGRAM

“I follow the routines of my coach, but it has nothing to do with working dry to doing it in the swimming pool,” explained Balearic Melani Costa to ‘Marca’, who hopes to put an end to her long career next year in the Tokyo Games. 

At least, María Vilas, Olympian in Rio in open water and bronze in the 2016 Europeans in 1,500 meters, is being able to train in the waters of the Arousa estuary.

Three High Performance Centers, below zero

To the aforementioned exclusion of the Government of the aquatic facilities in Phase 1 of the ‘de-escalation’ (a ‘word’ that does not exist for the RAE) is added the fact that the three large High Performance Centers in which they usually train well Some of the best Spanish swimmers are in areas that are still in Phase 0. 

They are those of Sant Cugat (Barcelona), Joaquín Blume (Madrid) and Sierra Nevada (Málaga). In other words, the centers in which practically all the illusions of Spanish swimming are forged for the big events, with a special mention for the Olympic Games.

Bruno Ortiz-Cañavate follows the news from Japan | INSTAGRAM

The RFEN urges the Government to include water sports in Phase 1

These are the recommendations for going around the pool

In parallel, the CSD announced yesterday that professional athletes will be able to travel to other provinces to train at High Performance Centers whose territories have passed the phase.



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