There have been deaths, injuries and thousands of arrests

07.07.2020 0 Comment Blog

There have been deaths, injuries and thousands of arrests

There are only four and a half weeks until the actually planned start of the two-week summit of climate diplomacy. Many German politicians see Bonn as a suitable replacement. The city stepped in two years ago, the UN climate secretariat is based there. But UN locations such as New York, Geneva or the Kenyan capital Nairobi could also be considered.

Germany’s State Secretary for the Environment, Jochen Flasbarth, was cautious about the Bonn demands on Thursday. It is not just about professionalism and commitment, it must also be logistically possible, he wrote on Twitter. "This is the problem for many potential host locations – including Bonn." Flasbarth added: "And besides, it is not necessarily desirable to do it more and more frequently in the global north."

Germany has already stood in for Fiji

In fact, the various regions of the world should take turns in the alignment. In 2017, Bonn stepped in as the host for Fiji because the small island nation had the chairmanship, but would have had problems hosting such a large conference. At the time, it was considered an important signal that the conference was chaired by an island state that is particularly threatened by the consequences of global warming. This time it was Latin America’s turn. But first Brazil jumped out, now Chile too.

Actually, politicians, scientists and representatives of business and society should come together from December 2nd to 13th in the Chilean capital Santiago de Chile. Because of the fierce social protests in the South American country, the local government canceled the climate conference (COP 25) on Wednesday as well as the summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Community (Apec), which was to take place in November.

More than 20,000 participants at the last conference

Last year, more than 20,000 participants, including many heads of state and government, traveled to the previous climate conference in Katowice, Poland. It is about the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement, with which the global community wants to limit global warming to below two degrees. This year, among other things, it will be about the rules according to which states with pollution rights can act.

The Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg had sailed across the Atlantic because of the climate conference. Her thoughts are with the Chilean people and are now waiting for more information, she wrote on Twitter. According to the Federal Environment Ministry, it is now up to the Executive Board to decide on the next steps. These include the incumbent President of the previous climate conference, Michal Kurtyka, and representatives from the five regional groups of the United Nations. For the EU, France sits on the board.

Germany sees renewed hosting as an opportunity

The state government in North Rhine-Westphalia had declared on Wednesday that Bonn was available as a conference venue. The Greens are also putting pressure in this direction. The international climate process should not stall, said her Bundestag parliamentary group vice-president Oliver Krischer. For the federal government it would be the chance "To set an example again after years of stagnation and regression in German climate policy". The Bonn Greens MP Katja Dörner, who wants to become mayor of the city next year, said: "Bonn can manage to step in for Santiago de Chile." 

Unrest in the country: Chile cancels hosting of the world climate summit – organic farmers sue government: "You have to do more to protect us"Do not need any further prices": Greta receives environmental award – and refuses

 In Chile there have been mass protests critical of the government for a good two weeks, which have often turned into violence. There have been deaths, injuries and thousands of arrests. The trigger was a planned increase in local transport prices. But now there is anger about low wages, high cost of living and social inequality.

Sources used: dpa news agency

The Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg warned on Friday on her Facebook page of fraudsters posing as Thunberg. Apparently there are people who seek contact with celebrities in this way.

"I have noticed that some people have tried to impersonate me or falsely claim to ‘represent’ me in order to come in contact with political leaders, famous actors, singers and musicians", wrote the 16-year-old who is currently in the USA.

It has come to my attention that a few people have been trying to impersonate me or falsely claim that they "represent"…

Posted by Greta Thunberg on Thursday, October 24, 2019


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 Greta Thunberg apologized to everyone who was misled. The good news is that their work is having an impact. "Activism works. See you in the streets!"

Sources used: dpa news agency

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Editor-in-chief Florian Harms’ newsletter

Good morning, dear readers,

my name is Ana Grujić. When I’m not representing Florian Harms as a daybreak author, as I do today, I’m an editor at I am pleased to be able to comment on the topics of the day for you.


I have to confess something to you: I thought Greta Thunberg was stupid. Sometimes I have to think back to it when I see the young Swede at public appearances, like yesterday at the UN climate conference. The young woman is the face of modern climate activism – and I initially didn’t like it.

Climate protection and I have a difficult past. As a child, I wanted to save the whole world: free dolphins from fishing nets, stop the clearing of the rainforest and save wild cats from extinction. But the older I got, the more I realized: saving the world won’t be that easy. First of all, you have to be able to afford environmental protection. To save the planet you need money – even in your wallet. It is a trivial fact that sustainable products cost more. For me as a child she was very sobering.

A school friend, for her part, a convinced climate protector, once said to me: "You shop at H&M? I prefer to buy fewer products than just the junk from these fashion chains." For them, personal renunciation was the way to save the climate. It never occurred to her that I couldn’t afford expensive things anyway – simply because I didn’t have the money. I found her sentence arrogant and thought at the time: Look, environmentalists are so ignorant. From then on was the subject "Fight the climate crisis" uninteresting to me. I was angry and scoffed at eco-people like my school friend who could only afford their lifestyle because they had money.

And then came Greta. The 16-year-old Greta Thunberg is on strike for the climate and has been inspiring millions of people around the world for the fight against the climate crisis for over a year.

And me? I waited. To the fact that Greta Thunberg began to argue like my school friend. That she explained to me that my personal renunciation would save the climate. In a moment she would want to sell me this or that product with which I am doing something good for the environment – I was waiting for that all the time. But none of that ever happened. As a rule, Greta Thunberg does not give individual little instructions on how we consumers should change our lives. Probably that is exactly a secret of their success.

Instead she says: "It is the sufferings of the many who pay for the luxury of the few." Thunberg named environmental degradation for what it is: a systematic, gigantic problem caused by rich countries. The poorer people will be the first to suffer from the consequences in the next few years – and a little later all of us. The more I read about her, the more videos I saw, the more certain I became: Greta Thunberg is right. And one more thing became clear to me: she would not let herself be diverted from her correct position. Bad insults or the attempt to dismiss them as a small child: Greta Thunberg remained steadfast in her opinion that big changes are needed. 

I could tell you now that it was through this realization that I discovered my inner environmentalist child. That I go to every Friday "Fridays for Future"-Go demos and spit in the faces of climate deniers on the way home. That would be a nice ending for this text, but: It would be a lie.

It is true: Greta Thunberg and her ideas are not what I would have expected from an environmental activist. At the climate conference in Katowice, she said: "I learned that you are never too small to change anything" Perhaps at the beginning of her strike she did not think either that with her seriousness and steadfastness she would motivate millions of people to believe in real change. But she made it.



Anna-Maja Henriksson, Chair of the Swedish People’s Party, Sanna Marin, Chair of the Social Democratic Party, Maria Ohisalo, Minister of the Interior. Bottom row: Li Andersson, leader of the Left Alliance party, a standard on the car of the President of Finland and Katri Kulmuni: Finland’s government will be filled with women in almost all key positions. (Source: Jussi Nukari / dpa)

In Finland, matriarchy rules from today – at least a little. President Sauli Niinistö swears in Sanna Marin as Prime Minister. At the age of 34, she will be the youngest holder of this office worldwide. Incidentally, the chairmen of their coalition partners are all female.


If someone in Austria does something stupid for no reason, people like to ask him: "Are you bored?" Whenever it occurs to me that the UK wants to leave the EU, I inevitably think of this saying. Something is moving again in Great Britain: parliamentary elections are coming up. Our Brexit expert Stefan Rook will be on site in the coming days and report on the trials and tribulations surrounding Boris Johnson.


"All people are born free and equal in dignity and rights": On December 10th, the world celebrates that the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That was 71 years ago. And as clear as the first article is written, it is shameful that people are still finding reasons to go to war.


There are also celebrations in Oslo and Stockholm today, where the Nobel Prizes are awarded. The Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed receives the medal for his pacification of the border conflict with Eritrea. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate him, as well as all the other award winners. Everyone except Peter Handke.



Hard corals. (Source: Customs Germany)

The trade in wild animals is a billion dollar business worldwide. Germany and Europe have long since become important transshipment and destination locations. This is shown by a response from the Federal Government to a request from the Greens. My colleague Tim Blumenstein has summarized the background for you.


One death every third day: In 2018, 122 women were killed by their partners or husbands.



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