The carbon tax has increased the cost of the things we need every day, he railed

01.03.2020 0 Comment Blog

The carbon tax has increased the cost of the things we need every day, he railed

Trudeau disappointed many voters

Nevertheless, many are disillusioned that Trudeau failed to keep some of his promises: for example, electoral law reform or a balanced budget by 2019. Critics also feel that his climate policy is not far-reaching enough despite the introduction of a CO2 tax. But there have also been successes: better support for low-income families, the fairly smooth legalization of cannabis and the rescue of the NAFTA trade agreement with the USA and Mexico, which is now on the brink of collapse.

The “” sunny paths “” with which Trudeau promised transparency and honesty, however, were too often in the shadows in the past four years. “” I always say he’s become a normal politician, “says Coletto. The election recommendation from former US President Barack Obama comes in very handy for the prime minister. He wrote on Twitter that the world needed Trudeau’s “” progressive leadership “”. Indeed, used the prominent support in some of the recent polls – is there an “” Obama effect “”?

Scheer is conservative – that doesn’t go down well in Canada

But the greatest happiness for the Liberals is the colorless Andrew Scheer. If you ask Canadians about him, you rarely get euphoria. Taxi driver Mike says that while Trudeau was an “” idiot “” when he painted himself. “” But that is nothing against Mr. Scheer’s falsehood! “”. Many of the 37 million in diverse Canada tend towards liberal and left-wing politics. Scheer’s conservative views on things like abortion or gay marriage do not go down well with them. And it does not seem to help much if he repeats endlessly that he does not want to affect the openness of existing laws.

Scheer, on the other hand, wants to take a completely different path in terms of climate. “The carbon tax has increased the cost of the things we need every day,” he railed. His climate program shouldn’t hurt Canadians. Critics consider it to be correspondingly ineffective. Instead, Scheer vies for the favor of voters on the second major election campaign issue, namely the fear of rising prices.

What would otherwise change with a government under his leadership remains unclear in many areas. Economically, the citizens traditionally have a lot of confidence in the conservatives, but the economy is booming anyway. And would Prime Minister Scheer get along better with US President Donald Trump? In any case, Trudeau would probably miss Berlin as a reliable international partner.

The outcome of the election is uncertain

The polls indicate that none of the parties can achieve an absolute majority of 170 seats, Liberals and Conservatives are almost equally on the share of the vote. But the direct candidates are so close together in many constituencies that it is difficult to forecast.

In the event of a necessary minority government – which is not unusual in Canada – the hour for the small parties would come. In the end, alongside Yves-François Blanchet from the regional Bloc Québécois, the social democrats of Jagmeet Singh could be decisive. Unlike Blanchet, he and the Green Elizabeth May had made it clear that they did not want to support Scheer. 

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 Singh in particular had excited more and more people by the end of the election campaign and in the TV debate, for example, overshadowed the two major opponents on the subject of climate: Canada should not “” have to “” stand between Mr. Delay (Trudeau) and Mr. Denial (Scheer) choose “” he said. “” There is another option. “”

Sources used: dpa news agency

In Schleswig-Holstein, a 32-year-old apparently drove a bus under the influence of Nine occupants were on board the long-distance bus on the highway. A replacement driver had to bring them to their destination.

The highway police pulled a drugged bus driver from traffic on Autobahn 24. A drug pretest showed that the 32-year-old from Hanover apparently consumed cannabis, the police said on Monday.

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The long-distance bus coming from Berlin was reportedly noticed on Sunday by a police patrol. The officers then guided him to the premises of the Elmenhorst motorway police in the Duchy of Lauenburg and checked the driver. A blood sample was taken from him and he was not allowed to continue his journey. A replacement driver brought the nine passengers on the long-distance bus to their destination, said a police spokeswoman.

Sources used: dpa news agency

The Berlin police made an extraordinary find during a house search: 28 kilograms of a stimulant and other drugs were confiscated.

The police caught several suspected drug dealers and confiscated 28 kilograms of a stimulant, presumably amphetamine. Civil investigators noticed two men in Marienfelde on Saturday evening. They found cannabis, six cell phones and cash in their car, it was announced on Monday.

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During the search of an apartment in which the two 36-year-olds were previously, the police discovered the amphetamine powder, packaging material and money. The men were arrested, as were a 37-year-old man and a 33-year-old woman who were in the apartment.

Sources used: dpa news agency

Berlin (dpa) – According to new data, smoking is more unpopular than ever among adolescents and young adults in Germany – but will it stay that way?
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Among the 12 to 17 year olds, 5.6 percent say they smoke constantly or occasionally, as a survey by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) presented in Berlin showed.

According to this, 21.2 percent of the 18 to 25 year olds are smokers – another historic low. The Federal Drug Commissioner Daniela Ludwig (CSU) spoke of “” positive figures “”. Further advertising bans, which the Bundestag is supposed to pass this Thursday, are important so that they remain so low.

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Smoking is increasingly uncool among young people, said Heidrun Thaiss, head of the BZgA. The proportion of “” never-smokers “” has now risen to the highest level to date: According to their own statements, 85.1 percent of 12 to 17-year-olds and 45.9 percent of 18 to 25-year-olds have never smoked Year olds.

The development of e-products and water pipes is to be observed closely – even if no further increases in consumption are currently to be seen. For the study, 7,000 people aged 12 to 25 were interviewed between April and June 2019. The survey series has been running at regular intervals since 1973.

In order to protect young people in particular from risks, the grand coalition wants to bring a step-by-step ban on billboard advertising for smoking through parliament on Thursday. It should be effective from 2022. Electronic cigarettes are also being targeted. Cinema advertising and marketing campaigns should also be restricted.

It is important that Germany is now the last European country to adopt an outdoor advertising ban that also includes e-products, said Ludwig. “” Advertising is done to encourage consumption. Anyone who claims the opposite is lying. “” BZgA director Thaiss said: “” Prevention is always swimming against the current. “” Low numbers do not mean that you can rest.

Concerns continue to apply to the widespread drinking of alcohol to intoxication among young people – and increases in cannabis consumption. According to the study, 10.4 percent of 12 to 17 year olds and 46.4 percent of 18 to 25 year olds have tried this before. “” Cannabis is by far the most widely used illegal substance, “said Thaiss. This is particularly worrying, since consumption in adolescence is associated with particular risks for the growing organism. The more often and earlier you smoke, the higher the risk of brain damage, learning difficulties and phases of depression, explained Ludwig.

The drug commissioner warned against giving the impression that one was talking about a rather harmless substance with debates about the approval of cannabis. “Just because alcohol is dangerous – undisputed – cannabis is not broccoli.” “You have no reason to deepen the debate about legalization. “” We have two folk drugs, I don’t need a third, “said Ludwig, referring to alcohol and tobacco.

In view of the Corona crisis, the CSU politician also referred to the particularly difficult situation of children in families with addiction problems, which are mostly about alcohol. A piece of social control has been lost here because of the closings of schools and daycare centers. “When children experience parents in addiction situations, it leaves deep wounds.”

Berlin (dpa) – Nico Schack carefully drips some oil into the coffee with a pipette. The price of the cup has just almost doubled.

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In the “” Café Canna “” in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, you can have your hot drink mixed with a hyped and controversial ingredient made from industrial hemp for an extra charge of 1.80 euros. It’s about cannabidiol, or CBD for short.

One of the other active substances in cannabis is probably still better known: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is responsible for the drug’s intoxicating effect. The psychiatrist Kurosch Yazdi, head of the addiction department at the Kepler University Clinic in Linz, Austria, describes CBD “” to a certain extent as the opposite of THC “”: It has no addictive potential and does not impair driving ability.

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Popular with celebrities

Why is CBD also in demand without intoxication? One reason is the alleged effects against various ailments, which celebrities such as US star Kim Kardashian and influencers report. On some websites, oil enriched with CBD is touted as a miracle drug: “” Helps against diabetes (type 2) “”. Ten milliliters of such an oil can cost around 80 euros.

Experts are recording a boom in Germany: oils, capsules, gummy bears, chewing gum and cosmetics – all kinds of goods are advertised with the addition. According to the consumer advice centers, the internet is the main hub, but more and more shops are springing up, as Wiebke Franz from the consumer advice center in Hessen explains.

“” There is no such thing as sensible regulation, “says Georg Wurth from the German Hemp Association. One of the questions is whether CBD products can be marketed as a novel food without approval from the European Commission. Authorities and consumer advice centers mean: No, no sale without verification. Manufacturers refer to the long tradition of using hemp. The courts are concerned with the different legal opinions.

Providers use loopholes

To protect against possible annoyance, some providers use loopholes: CBD flowers say “” Smoked goods “”, CBD oil is declared as an aromatic oil. The wild growth goes even further: Studies have shown that the stated CBD dosage does not always correspond to the facts – sometimes there was less, sometimes more. According to consumer advice centers, too high THC levels have already been found.

What CBD could actually do for health is still unclear. There are indications of an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect, according to consumer center expert Franz. However, this has not yet been sufficiently confirmed by clinical studies. Questions about dosage, safety, side effects and interactions are also unanswered.

The CBD products available in hemp shops are almost always dosed so low that they have no effect, says expert Yazdi. The “” alleged effects “” are “” pure profiteering “”. According to Yazdi, the fact that CBD users report pain relief can be “” fairly safely explained by the placebo effect. “” People just long for a miracle drug that has no side effects. “”

CBD is not a gentle natural remedy

The drug expert Gerd Glaeske from the University of Bremen says that buyers of CBD-containing products often do not know that it is mainly the prescription-only cannabis forms that offer a medical benefit.



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