Dexamethasone reduces death in hospitalised patients with severe respiratory complications of COVID-19 University of Oxford

Dexamethasone reduces death in hospitalised patients with severe respiratory complications of COVID-19 University of Oxford

You might have liver changes that are usually mild and unlikely to cause symptoms. You have regular blood tests to check for any changes in the way your liver is working. Feeling hungrier can make it difficult to keep your weight down. Your appetite will go back to normal when you stop steroids – but some people need to diet to lose the extra weight.

This can be frightening, but it goes away when you stop taking the steroids. You should contact your advice line urgently if you think you have an infection. Symptoms of an infection include a change in temperature, aching muscles, headaches, feeling cold and shivery and generally unwell. You might have other symptoms depending on where the infection is.

Steroid injections

Your doctor will decide how long you should take dexamethasone for. Do not use Dexamethasone for the treatment of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS; a serious lung disease) if you have been diagnosed with this condition for over 2 weeks. In the UK, live vaccines include rubella, mumps, measles, BCG, yellow fever and the shingles vaccine (Zostavax).

  • During our review we considered data gathered from Yellow Card reports and identified 55 reports indicative of topical steroid withdrawal reactions, most of which were reported by patients.
  • When corticosteroids are essential however, patients with normal pregnancies may be treated as though they were in the non-gravid state.
  • Half the participants received a 2-week course of oral dexamethasone.
  • There is no difference in efficacy between routes of administration.9 The clinical effect becomes apparent 6 hours after administration.

Steroids regulate emotions such as excitement and nervousness. Some people feel happier than usual while others feel low in mood, short-tempered and irritable. Some people feel low or flat for several days to weeks after they stop taking steroids, as it takes a while for your body to begin making its own steroids naturally again.

Advice to give to patients and carers:

Because of differences in oral availability, 1 mg of dexamethasone by mouth has the glucocorticoid activity of about 8 mg of prednisolone or 25 mg of hydrocortisone. This is why it’s important to get your annual flu vaccination and be up to date with your coronavirus vaccines. These kinds of side effects usually stop once the course of tablets has finished. Find out more about your preventer inhaler and possible side effects here.

Reactions are common and may occur in both adults and children. In adults, the frequency of severe reactions has been estimated to be 5-6%. Psychological effects have been reported on withdrawal of corticosteroids; the frequency is unknown.

Your reliever inhaler does not contain steroids

Your medical team will give you advice about how and when to take your steroid medication. Steroids can affect the speed at which your body breaks down food to get energy from it (your metabolism). This can increase your hunger levels, leading you to eat more and to gain weight.

For other conditions, you may not feel any better even though the medicine is helping you. When taken for nausea and vomiting dexamethasone is thought to work on chemical messengers in the brain to reduce feelings of sickness. Steroids closely copy the effects of natural hormones produced in your adrenal glands. This is to make sure they do not have side effects from the medicine.

“The findings indicate that using dexamethasone is less favourable than dummy, so clinicians/healthcare professionals should reconsider whether it is appropriate to prescribe dexamethasone to patients. Current guidelines say that some steroid tablets, including prednisolone, can be taken during pregnancy. They’re often used to treat flare-ups in women who are pregnant. If you have indigestion or other stomach problems after starting steroids, then alcohol is likely to add to the problem, so you may want to cut back on how much alcohol you drink.


You can read more about hypertension (high blood pressure) on the NHS website. Steroid medication can also cause oral thrush (an infection in your mouth), or thrush in the vagina or penis. If you have an operation or any dental work in the future, let the anaesthetist or dentist know beforehand that you’ve had steroid treatment.



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