Consistency And Adhd

how to develop consistency

Think about the things you do every day that seem effortless. Maybe you wake up and head straight to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth? Perhaps before work, you always stop by a fast-food place to grab some breakfast to go? There are many things in your life that you do not think about, but you still do them. These are habits that you have developed over a long and consistent period of time. They have become a part of your lifestyle.

Real progress can be made with consistent effort over time. Now one more thing that happens is that, after some days of doing something consistently, we might lose the motivation and drive for a particular task/goal, and that is okay. If you can afford to take a break, then go take a break for a few days. Something that will recharge your creative spirits and playfulness. Something that will spark inspiration within you once again. Then come back to that task/goal with a renewed spirit and a recharged mind.

It’s about keeping our word to carry out what we’ve agreed to do. Our level of consistency reflects our values and standards.

  • For example, if you are using the MEDDICC methodology, include the qualification components into opportunity record in the CRM.
  • I have to schedule our golf games at least a month in advance!
  • After a couple of ‘okay’ holes, you can’t sink a putt.
  • He was never the most consistent of players anyway.
  • Don’t fret if you’re not getting results right away.

Make sure that your goal is actually significant, is occurring at the right time, and will benefit either yourself or someone else. There must be a quantitative measure in your goal, whether it’s the amount of time you will take or the amount of stuff you will get done. One afternoon when American League baseball umpire Bill Guthrie was working behind the plate, the catcher of the visiting team repeatedly protested his calls. But in the fourth inning when the catcher started to complain again, Guthrie stopped him.

Replies To “015: Adhd Podcast Episode 15: Consistency And Adhd: 5 Steps To Improve Consistency”

They’re so caught up in driving the number that they don’t stop and take the time to right the ship. They’re in a position where they can’t impact the numbers as much as they had hoped. Consistency retained earnings is my word of the year for 2021. I am going to work hard on keeping consistent this year. It is perfectly okay to ask others for help whenever you need it (or even if you don’t!).

For the majority of the players who make up our Greenville Drive roster, it’s their first full season of professional baseball. Every year, for a good part of the first month of the season in April, our coaching staff is far more concerned with getting our players in that comfortable routine than we are with winning and losing games. Either medication, alternatives or therapy? I ask, because if you can improve your ADHD symptoms, then this could get easier. The other avenue is to look at the rules/legislation which can allow Americans to get support in their workplace for any disability. This involves disclosing the diagnosis at work, which can be problematic, but it can be helpful too. Dr. Kenny is a Child and Adult Psychiatrist and an expert in ADHD.

how to develop consistency

The Golfer’s Mental Edge program includes the top 8 mental training sessions I do with my personal students to help them boost their mental game and improve consistency on the course. The only way to get anywhere in your fitness journey is to make mistakes and to fail – and then keep moving forward – NOT stopping. The people who can’t develop consistency are the ones that stop. Consistency is key to successfully teaching your child right from wrong when disciplining them as well as creating a trusting relationship between the two of you. If you say one thing one day and the complete opposite the next, it is hard to create a set of concrete expectations. Your child is not sure when you really mean what you are saying or if they can get you to change your mind. Right now I’m looking to develop a better work routine and organizational approach.

How To Improve Your Consistency

So the topic of consistency has been bouncing around in my head a lot since the last musing. I’m a big fan of the website T-Nation, and while other people may bash them about their supplement prices, they don’t force you to buy them , and they’ve got some damn fine reading material. Just a little mid-week inspiration as a follow up from this week’s episodic musing….

Create opportunities where salespeople and customer service staff can meet to share problems and possible solutions to customer service related issues. This can help break down silos between departments and build staff relationships and ownership, how to develop consistency all which impact customer service. Perhaps you’ve witnessed a supervisor who ignores one employee’s late arrival while another gets reprimanded. Or, a high-producing salesperson who often gets a pass for not attending the mandatory Friday meeting.

how to develop consistency

Whether that’s with friends or your coach, as mentioned above, or simply putting it on your calendar. If it’s there, then you’ll be more likely to show up. It’s been shown in studies that simply telling yourself, “I’m going to workout tonight ‘after work’” isn’t often enough and it’s easy to skip that.

Have the courage to instill the fundamentals that drive a repeatable process for your teams. As we roll up our sleeves and head into 2021, one key to success (and New Year’s resolutions) is consistency. From personal goal setting, to professional success and everywhere in between, we know consistency is vital. My pal George was looking toward retirement, knowing he couldn’t play golf seven days a week.

Training Consistency: A Learning Leader Challenge

If you’re ready to learn the 7 steps that will help you stay consistent, let’s get straight into it. Online Accounting An organization becomes predictable in its offerings with consistency in messaging and presence.

Sometimes they give permission to speak to external stakeholders and sometimes they don’t. The bottom line is the people working for inconsistent leaders often spend unnecessary time wondering how to proceed or harboring resentment because they cannot predict what the leader wants. This essentially slows down the organization’s speed and reduces its effectiveness. contra asset account Consistency in style, management techniques, and leadership traits are important anchors for any organization and contribute to a stable work environment. Discipline is controlled your impulses, emotion, reactions, and behavior. I’ll remember this thought, The world is already started to be running. Rather than staying in a comfort zone, Go to the Learning phase.

Consistency in golf can mean a fun day out on the links or it can be a very frustrating game to play. Consistency is arguably the most important component when working to accomplish goals, in or out of the gym. Without consistency, programs are unorganized, the body has a harder time adapting, and forming habits may be more challenging. Someone who is consistent always behaves in the same way, has the same attitudes towards people or things, or achieves the same level of success in something. He was never the most consistent of players anyway.

how to develop consistency

It could be be something like eating a piece of fruit every morining, or going to the gym once a week. Don’t do the perfect thing, do SOMETHING – something that will take you ONE STEP closer to your goal. So like I said, most people tend to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. They keep trying different diets for example, but failing and stopping every time, unable to create results that last. Think of certain patterns that happen in your home and come up with set phrases that you can draw from. Instead of getting caught up in the battle, you will have a set phrase tucked right in your tool belt. In our home right now, one of our phrases is, “Worry about yourself.” I cannot tell you how many frustrating situations have been avoided because I grab that phrase and kindly dish it out.

After a couple of ‘okay’ holes, you can’t sink a putt. The past comes flooding back into the forefront of your mind and your confidence vanishes along with your golf game. It feels like once you improve one part of your game, another area of your game let’s you down.

Learn To Say No

First and foremost, you must build a positive mindset and believe in your internal locus of control; this means that you believe you cause the changes in your life. It doesn’t matter whether you are young or old, a student or a professional, working your way up or at the top of your game.

Ways To Reduce Workplace Negativity By Increasing Consistency

These examples increase conflict and decrease motivation amongst the team. If you can’t trust your fearless leader to play fair, rather than playing favorites, staying loyal and engaged becomes impossible. Playing catch is the most important fundamental skill of the game. It is not a warm up, nor something we do just to get loose. It’s a drill that translates in every game ever played. It is regimented on times and distances, throwing some days longer and further to gain arm strength, while others shorter to save their arms.

I have also began to communicate more openly wilth my supervisor about my caseload status now that I’m on a “work improvement plan” as required by my management. After grad school I worked as a child abuse investigator for 2.5 yrs. I struggled to meet deadlines but due to the nature of the work I was allowed to claim overtime as needed to meet deadlines. As long as I worked at least nine hours each day, my start and end times were flexable.

Second, obviously your audience cannot see you and they only hear the words you are saying. By listening to your podcast show, they will have an idea on how you are as a person, how you speak, and the message you wish to deliver. You need to learn, to listen and be consistent. If you’re wondering why it is important to be consistent for your podcast shows and what could be the benefits of it, then you should read on.

Negativity within the workplace can arise due to various reasons and the most important one not being able to cope up with the developmental changes. Companies, at times, are not ready with strategies pertaining to their infrastructure, hierarchy system and work flow system. Making policies control the negativity might help a bit but not everytime. Allowing even small exceptions will make you appear to be inconsistent which leads to a lack of clarity, which leads to confusion eventually resulting in being blamed for not being fair. Don’t set yourself up for this avoidable problem.

Three Ways To Improve Your Basketball Consistency

The first time I noticed a real improvement in my own golf game after 3 years of playing was when we decided to commit to a weekly tee time that we paid in advance for. The time you put into golf practice or play will dictate the amount of improvement in consistency and proficiency at the game. As I mentioned in this other post, consistency is one of the necessary ingredients in your ability to get results. If you can get in 3 solid resistance training or aerobic conditioning training sessions per week, the literature says you will get great results.

This is critically important with qualification. But how exactly do you build and maintain consistency?



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