Advantage and disadvantage essay writing IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay

There clearly wasn’t just one option to do that, of course. However the real way i recommend to my IELTS students is effective. Here it is in summary:

Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Advantages
Paragraph 3: Disadvantages
Paragraph 4: Conclusion

Of course, it’s perfectly fine to modify paragraphs 2 and 3 if you wish to.

Let’s look at the relevant question again:

There is apparently an increasing trend towards assessing students through exams in place of continual assessment. What are the benefits and drawbacks of exams as a type of assessment?

And now let’s look at the above mentioned structure in a tad bit more detail.

Paragraph 1 = Introduction

  1. Paraphrase the back ground statement (the sentence that is first)
  2. Say there are benefits and drawbacks to this

Here’s what I wrote:

These days increasing emphasis is placed on assessing students’ performance through examinations, rather than assessment that is continual. I think that the usage exams in schools and universities has both positive and negative implications.

You will see that We have said there are advantages and disadvantages but I haven’t said what these are. I am going to repeat this within the physical body of my essay. In addition haven’t yet given my overall opinion. I’ll save this when it comes to conclusion.

  1. Topic sentence stating that you can find (several / various) advantages associated with the issue
  2. Advantage 1 + extension (= reasons / examples)
  3. Advantage 2 + extension (= reasons / examples)

I think there are various advantages to using exams as a way of evaluating performance. To begin with, the information that an exam is scheduled for the final end of a period of study encourages students to focus harder though the weeks or months leading up to the examination. Rather than wasting their buy good essays time, looking from the window during class, they will be motivated to hear the teacher and complete set homework tasks. An additional benefit is that exams allow students and teachers to clearly know the way they are performing pertaining to their peers. A sense of healthy competition, which students will need when they enter the work place in fact, the examination process sets in motion.

As you can plainly see, We have given two advantages (First of all….. / Another advantage is that….). Each idea happens to be extended with one or more sentence, giving reasons and examples to guide it.

  1. Topic sentence saying that you can find (several / various) disadvantages related to the problem
  2. Disadvantage 1 + extension (= reasons examples that are/
  3. Disadvantage 2 + extension (= reasons examples that are/

However, there are several drawbacks to forcing children and young adults to take exams. One of these simple is that exams can put pressure that is tremendous students, particularly those with learning difficulties or confidence issues. This pressure may cause psychological state issues such as for example anxiety and depression, and also, in extreme cases, to suicide. In such cases, continual assessment would likely appear to be a fairer much less stressful method of assessment. Another problem with exams is that they only evaluate a student’s performance on a particular day rather than over a period of time. Many students suffer with nerves or lack of sleep into the run as much as a big test, so they perform less well than if their progress was measured on a weekly basis during term-time.

  1. Re-state your opinion in numerous words
  2. Say whether you imagine there are many advantages / disadvantages (of if you were to think there was a balance)
  3. Briefly explain why you might think this

On balance, i really believe that student progress should be measured using a mix of exams and continual assessment. This could allow a fairer and more accurate assessment of all of the students’ performance.

As you can see, I have given a balanced opinion within my conclusion, suggesting that exams should always be used in conjunction with continuous assessment. However, it might also be possible to say that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages (for instance, if you might think that exams are a lot better than continual assessment).

You will also realize that my final sentence gives a reason that is general my opinion. This indicates that I have thought deeply about the topic, and could possibly gain me extra marks.

I am hoping which you now discover how to write and structure an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay. As stated above, this article is the fifth in a few articles on how to approach different sorts of essays in IELTS. You have access to these by clicking below:

In a few days, I’ll be writing about how exactly to structure the next variety of IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay (in which you have to say whether or not the advantages outweigh the advantages)



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