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Osvita.ua is not responsible for the efficiency and quality of the answer to your question.

5.05010201 Maintenance of computer systems and networks. Material and technical base of 17 classrooms, 7 laboratories, 3 computer classes, training ground, library, assembly hall, sports hall.

By materials: Updated: 25/11/2014

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(056) 462-82-28, 462-82-41, 462-81-08 Dnipropetrovsk region, Krivoy Rog, st. Ordzhonikidze 8 (map) http://dvnzkbk.at.ua

Kryvyi Rih Construction College

General information

Kryvyi Rih Construction College is one of the oldest educational institutions in the Dnipropetrovsk region

General information

For sixty years of its existence, the Kryvyi Rih Construction College has trained more than ten thousand mid-level specialists – builders, surveyors, experts, technologists. Our graduates work in many regions of Ukraine and the CIS. Pupils of the college built in the vast expanses of the USSR, in Ukraine they built factories, plants, power plants, cities and villages, paved roads and bridges.

And today, wherever thermal and hydroelectric power plants, sea and river ports, canals and water supply facilities are built and operated, where modern building constructions are designed and manufactured, our graduates are in design, research organizations and construction trusts.

Kryvyi Rih Construction College is a shore of youth, youth for graduates, giving people joy and warmth.

Professional and humanitarian training of specialists is provided by a high level of pedagogical staff of the college. The teaching staff has many plans for the future. And it is believed that all of them will come true, because there are enterprising, hard-working, and most importantly – caring people who know that the fate of the college is in safe hands, that today is the foundation of tomorrow; only by constantly moving forward can one feel the true taste of life.

Practical training

The basis for the organization and conduct of the internship at the Krivoy Rog Construction College is the “Regulations on the internship at the KBK” and the schedule of the college’s educational process, approved by the director Prots S.

All three types of practice (training, production technology, production diploma) are conducted according to the work programs developed in accordance with the Standard unified program of production practices.

The internship takes place in production workshops and in the repair of the educational building and involves the formation of students’ professional skills and abilities.

For the internship, contracts are concluded with the leading enterprises of the construction industry of our city, which guarantee 100% employment of our graduates. Thus, the undergraduate practice is carried out in JSC “Krivorozhindustrstroy” JSC “Krivorozh-Zhilstroy” Concern “Stalprombud” CJSC “Krivorozhaglostroy” Gigi Vera, LLC “Aglobud – 4″ and others.


5. 06010115. “Finishing of buildings and structures and construction design”

The technician-builder-designer is intended for activity in the construction, design, design, engineering organizations and their divisions performing construction and finishing of inhabited, civil and industrial buildings and constructions.

A construction technician-designer can hold primary positions, namely – caretaker technician, design technician, interior and exterior designer. The received specialty allows the designer to develop spatial compositions, to define color registration of the future design project, using in the course of designing scientific researches and historical achievements.

5.06010101. “Construction and operation of buildings and structures”

The knowledge and practical skills acquired in the construction college in this specialty, allow graduates to work in construction companies as foremen, foremen, foremen, specialists in the departments of construction organizations (production and technical, logistics, human resources, labor and wages, labor protection), in the operational organizations (housing and operational associations, housing and communal offices), at the industrial enterprises in departments of capital construction, in repair and construction shops on positions of technicians, masters, foremen, in the agricultural enterprises on positions of the deputy chairman on construction and foreman; in design organizations in the positions of design engineers, in the bureau of technical inventory, offices and departments of state property.

“Technical examination of buildings and structures”

The expert-builder-expert carries out inspection and testing of buildings and constructions, gives conclusions on their reliability, conformity to requirements of building norms, quality and possibility of their operation, determines a condition of wear of separate elements according to their technical condition.

Can work in the departments of capital construction of enterprises and organizations, in housing and maintenance offices, technical inventory bureaus, departments of state property funds, in organizations engaged in the privatization of buildings and structures.

“Marketing and pricing in construction”

Technician-builder-estimator (estimator) determines the cost of construction products, develops documentation and calculates the tender offer; checks the design and estimate documentation of the customer and compliance of volumes of works and expenses of the project with conditions of performance of works, registration of comments of work with customers and design institutes.

Can work in the estimated, production and technical departments of construction organizations, as well as in design departments or design organizations.

5.06010107. “Manufacture of parts and reinforced concrete structures”

Graduates of the specialty can successfully work in enterprises engaged in the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, tiles, tiles, bricks, pipes, as well as gypsum boards and panels, artificial stone, furniture, bas-reliefs, vases, etc.

The received specialty allows the technologist to connect the life with such kind of activity as technical control and the analysis including work in research laboratories, carrying out tests of products, control of calculations of elements of designs, certification of products.

Can hold the positions of masters of the production site, masters of the production laboratory, laboratory technician, design engineer, technologist, head of a small industrial enterprise, etc.

By materials: Updated: 25/11/2014

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(05366) 2-33-10 Poltava region, Kremenchug, st. Leonova 14 (map) http://krtzt.pl.ua

Kremenchug Technical School of Railway Transport

General information

Kremenchug Technical School of Railway Transport – higher educational institution of I-II levels of accreditation

Pages of history

Kremenchug Technical School of Railway Transport – one of the oldest higher educational institutions of Ukraine I-II levels of accreditation of Poltava region – was founded in 1878 as a technical railway school. The need for such an educational institution was explained by the demand for railway transport specialists (in 1870 – the first train passed on the Kremenchug-Poltava section, in 1882 – the bridge across the Dnieper was put into operation, which connected the railway of Kharkiv with Odessa and Nikolaev).

Back in 1881, the first graduation took place, when only 11 graduates completed the full course of study, in 1906, 35 graduates graduated from the Technical Railway School. During the pre-revolutionary period, the school trained 1,028 specialists in the specialty “Locomotive Traction”.

In 1904 a new building was built, in which the technical school is still located today.

During its existence, the school has changed its name and status several times.

1907 – Kremenchug Technical Railway School was renamed the Kremenchug Technical School of Mechanical Specialty.

1925-1931 – Kremenchug Technical School of Mechanical Specialty.

1931 – Kremenchug Technical School of Railway Transport.

During the Great Patriotic War, the technical school was evacuated to Tambov.

With the liberation of Kremenchug from the Nazi invaders, the technical school returned to his hometown and trained in two specialties, “Locomotive” and “Carriage”. At this time, they began to train specialists at the evening department in the specialty “Artificial structures” for the Kremenchug bridge plant of the Ministry of Railways.

From the first days of its establishment until now, the technical school has been and is a technical railway educational institution, having passed a huge way of formation and improvement.

During its existence, the teaching staff of the college has trained more than 18,000 highly qualified graduates for the railway transport of Ukraine.

College today

Kremenchug Technical School of Railway Transport is a modern educational institution, where 51 qualified specialists, 3 masters of industrial training, 6 laboratory assistants, 26 employees of get your lab report written the administrative and economic apparatus conduct professional training.

Now the technical school prepares junior specialists for the needs of railway transport and industrial enterprises of Ukraine on the basis of basic and complete secondary education in 3 specialties:



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