Organically woven into the text, they form an integral part of it.

03.01.2020 0 Comment Blog

Organically woven into the text, they form an integral part of it.

It follows from the above that if the authors want to let society drift, they should not provide information, but should be limited to “musing” known facts. Write daily about picking potatoes and beets – and your society will live by its information, which it will take from “reliable sources”.

If the authors want to destabilize society, they must flood it with information. Write daily and at the same time about rising prices, social cataclysms, murders, squandering of money, land, crisis of power – and your society will be a driven horse that runs without knowing where and who knows when it will stop.

Dosed and planned information allows you to manage society without social stress and explosions. But at the same time, the issue of measuring information in the social system will probably remain unresolved forever. How to accurately measure the amount of relevant information? How much information is needed to balance the system?

If the text is considered as a part of the information system, it means that it can highlight the properties of the system, and system properties can be considered as those that are formed from the properties of its specific representatives. At the same time, having isomorphic features, the text must be endowed with specific properties that are not endowed with the system as a whole and other representatives of the system.

In the text there are special textual means for expressing information. These include font selections, additional graphic means of text design, compositional solutions at the level of graphic-symbolic text design, etc. Yes, the new and the given in the text can be distributed between (inset to the text and the main text block.


Technology of scientific work. Abstract

Accumulation of scientific facts in the research process. Choice of research topic. Study of materials

Accumulation of scientific facts in the research process

Scientific study involves the ability to critically interpret scientific information, evaluate its advantages and disadvantages, find their own solutions, put forward new ideas, conduct experiments, accumulate and analyze the necessary facts, summarize them, systematize, theoretically explain and design in the form of scientific work. In science, it is important not only to establish a new fact, but also to explain it from the standpoint of modern science, clarifying its theoretical, general or practical significance.

The accumulation of scientific facts in the research process is always a creative process, which is based on the author’s idea and his idea. Scientific ideas are characterized by awareness of purpose, prospects of knowledge and practical transformation of reality. The development of an idea to the stage of its completion is carried out as a process of scientific research.

Choice of research topic

Choosing the right research topic is half of ensuring its successful implementation. There are three types of topics: the topic as a result of the development of the topic; initiative topic; ordered theme.

When choosing a topic, the main ones are relevance, novelty and prospects, the presence of a theoretical basis, the ability to obtain certain results. Therefore, choosing a topic, you need to understand the essence of the proposed idea, its novelty and relevance, theoretical importance and practical significance.

Scientific novelty means in science the fact of the absence of such results before their publication, ie the presence of the first formulated and substantiated theoretical provisions that significantly affect the achievement of new socio-economic results. Only those provisions of scientific work that contribute to the further development of journalism in general or its individual areas can be new.

The novelty of the research lies in the introduction into scientific circulation of hitherto unused sources, in elucidating the genesis of the development of the science of journalism, in revealing the regularities and main ways of development of Ukrainian journalism. The author’s task is to be able to determine the novelty of his scientific result.

When assessing the relevance of a chosen topic, it cannot be made dependent on the political situation or other opportunistic approaches.

Regarding the practical significance of the chosen topic, it should be noted that it depends on the nature of a particular research and consists in the publication of the main research results, the use of scientific developments in the educational process, the use of scientific results in further development and more.

At the beginning of the research it is necessary to have a plan, at least a preliminary one, ie one that can be adjusted many times, but will allow to systematize and organize all subsequent activities.

The preliminary work plan only in the main features gives the characteristic of a subject of research and is further specified, but the basic task should not change. It has an arbitrary form, usually a plan-rubricator, which consists of a list of rubrics united by the internal logic of research on this topic.

The author needs to understand the sequence and logical sequence of planned items. The logical sequence dictates the disclosure of the essence of the task. It is important to learn to find in work the main, decisive, that on what it is necessary to concentrate now all attention. This will make it possible to find the best ways to achieve this goal, to identify all available reserves for the implementation of the plan and idea, to choose the necessary methods and techniques.

During the work, plans of several types can be made. When making a plan, it is necessary to take into account the real possibilities, the desired should not replace reality. The main thing is that in creative research the plan should be dynamic, mobile, not to restrict the development of the idea and plan, to keep a clear and definite scientific direction in the work.

Study of materials

The study of scientific works published on the topic of research begins immediately after the definition of the idea of ​​scientific intelligence, which is reflected in the topic and in the work plan. This approach makes it possible to search for scientific sources on the chosen topic purposefully and better process the materials published in the works of other scientists, because the origins of the main provisions of the problem are actually always laid in earlier studies.

When reading the selected literature you need to make notes, preferably on one side of a sheet of standard format. This will allow you to further compose the material in any order. It is important to process the records as they accumulate. At the same time it is necessary to show the maximum organization. An initial research plan can be used as a record storage system.

Then all the material must be systematized, to eliminate redundancy. Further processing of the material will answer questions about the information collected. The researcher in the search for literature first finds out the list of periodicals from which he hopes to obtain the necessary information. A well-written list, even a cursory glance at the source headings, helps to understand the amount of information you need.

It is necessary to review all types of sources, the content of which is related to the topic of scientific research. If such a list is very large, you should limit the parameters of the bibliographic search. When there is a bibliographic reference on this issue, it should be used, while checking its completeness.

It is necessary to study the literature in the original and immediately make a complete bibliographic description. The information found must be carefully selected, understood and evaluated. This will be the basis for obtaining new knowledge. Usually, not all the information contained in a particular source is used, but only that which is directly related to the topic and is the most valuable and useful. The criterion for evaluating the study is the possibility of using it in scientific work.

A review of the literature on the topic demonstrates the researcher’s ability to systematize sources, critically consider them, highlight the essential, evaluate what has been done previously by other researchers, to determine the main thing in the current state of study of the topic.

Selection of scientific facts is a creative process that requires purposeful work. Reflections of the objective properties of things and processes are constituent elements of the foundations of scientific knowledge, ie scientific facts that are characterized by such properties as accuracy, objectivity, reliability, novelty.

The novelty of a scientific fact testifies to the emergence of a fundamentally new, hitherto unknown process, phenomenon or object. It’s not necessarily a scientific discovery, it’s new knowledge about something we didn’t know before. The accuracy of a scientific fact is determined by a set of the most significant features, phenomena, objects, events, their quantitative or qualitative indicators. The selection of facts must be scientifically objective. You cannot reject facts just because they are difficult to explain or find practical application.

The reliability of a scientific fact is based on its real existence, which is confirmed in the construction of similar situations. In the absence of such confirmation, the validity of a scientific fact is questioned. The reliability of scientific facts depends on the reliability of primary sources, their purpose and the nature of their information. That is why it is necessary to find out the nature of the original source, the scientific and professional authority of its author.

The main form of factual material is quotations. Organically woven into the text, they form an integral part of it. Quotations play an important role in the analysis and synthesis of scientific information, as well as serve as confirmation of individual results. Based on their content, the researcher creates a system of convincing evidence necessary for the objective characterization of the object, phenomenon or process being studied. The number of citations is determined by the development needs of the topic.


Methodology of scientific activity: methods of analysis and research. Abstract

Methodology of scientific activity. Descriptive methods. Methods of analysis of documentary information. Methods of research of texts of Observation. Poll

Methodology of scientific activity

Methodology of scientific activity is a process that involves a set of specific techniques, approaches, methods, actions aimed at obtaining new scientific results, achieving the goal and fulfilling the planned tasks. Methodology – a set of research methods used in science in accordance with the specifics of the object of its knowledge.



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