In folk songs, the word wolf is replaced by the epithet February, there are enough reasons to deduce it from the SNK.

26.05.2020 0 Comment Blog

In folk songs, the word wolf is replaced by the epithet February, there are enough reasons to deduce it from the SNK.

Stepan Vasylchenko’s skill did not require external effects. He was sensitive to the music of the word, constantly improved his literary style, enriched it with folk imagery and song rhythm, and yet his main concern was the desire for the ultimate truth of life. Through all the trials of fate, the writer carries faith in a better future. The plots of his stories can be tragic, the pictures sad, but even then the souls of the heroes carry the light of hope, as if the reflection of the morning star falls on them. The poetry of adolescence, the purity of the child’s soul, its bright dreams, fantasies, passions that are just emerging – these are probably the favorite motifs of Stepan Vasylchenko. Few of our prose writers were lucky enough to look into the world of child psychology with such insight, with such sensitivity, delicacy, tenderness to touch the most cherished in it. Sometimes with sadness, and sometimes with a wise smile, with a gentle humor, the writer recreates the joys and sorrows of a young soul, the stormy passions of a little man, in whose whims, antics and mischief is often heard a deeply experienced response to insults and sorrows. Stepan Vasylchenko’s heroes are unhappy, but they are not flawed and the best of them have access to the beauty of courage, friendship, society, they are able to protect the weaker, not to humiliate their dignity – they are people of healthy national morality. A professional teacher, patriot and humanist, Stepan Vasylchenko can be the personification of what we invest in the concept of a national teacher. The unquenchable interest of modern readers, especially teachers, schoolchildren, and young people in his works is probably explained by the fact that this writer combines a shrewd lyricist, a witty artist and an experienced educator, able to tell the young man unobtrusively, with constant kindness and tact. the reader needs a word at the beginning of his life. Nobility, intelligence, devotion are obligatory – all this was with Vasylchenko, all this he, a man of advanced democratic convictions, who selflessly worked for the spiritual development of his people, carried through the years and decades. And there was a youthful sense of beauty in him and that innate optimism, cheerfulness of strong folk nature, which gave a bright, affirmative character, even to those of his works, which reflected the gloomy pictures of the past. Selflessly loving his native Ukraine, painfully experiencing every manifestation of tyranny and arbitrariness of the tsarist authorities, who brutally suppressed Ukrainian culture. Stepan Vasylchenko highly valued advanced Russian thought and, like Ivan Franko, Lesya Ukrainka, and Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky, was able to look at the world broadly, without peasant limitations. Possessing a sharp social vision, Vasilchenko clearly distinguished between friends and enemies, in his work clearly sounded an international theme, so powerful in our literature. As an artist, Stepan Vasylchenko consciously set as his goal the development of Shevchenko’s traditions, adhered to the principles of realism and nationality – that was the masterwhich proved to be the most historically promising. From the very beginning of his writing career, Vasylchenko took a place among the best creators of Ukrainian culture, gaining a reputation as a strict and demanding artist. He was not seduced by such fashionable at the beginning of the XX century decadent trickery, he did not go into frivolous fiction, did not succumb to the temptation to exchange his talent for literary cursive, which is sometimes evident today – in his first stories Stepan Vasilchenko becomes a master, able to create artistic things of the highest quality, asserting in his literary practice poetic realism, ie one that does not limit its task to the description of events, is not satisfied with photographing the outer layer of phenomena, but artistically transforms reality, synthesizes it, creating generalized full-blooded characters. , the essence of time. Vasilchenko always felt his blood connection with the people, with the people of labor. “… The way of life of the people’s teacher and peasant Ukrainian writer, for whom I consider myself,” he wrote in his autobiography, “is not an exceptional way, but characteristic of the children of rural proletarians.” His work developed in the same rhythm with the movement of life, responding to the spiritual needs of contemporaries. Our Soviet multinational reader highly appreciates in the works of S. Vasylchenko warm humanity, accuracy of psychological characteristics, humor, skill of the author in landscape paintings. To the end of the days, the writer retained his steadfastness of spirit, wise popular optimism. “I deeply believe in the great future of the Ukrainian word,” he wrote in his author’s confession, considering it a great happiness to work among those who “care for the high development of our magic word as a weapon of the broad working masses. ” Stepan Vasylchenko always remembered whose son he was, to whom he owed everything beautiful and good, that from childhood he entered the soul together with maternal caress, with the beauty of the morning dawn, with the songs of his native land. The teacher from Ichnia honestly fulfilled his writing duty. In his wonderful works he engraved his ardent love for the people of labor, and the reward for this was the grateful response of new and new generations of readers.


The image of a wolf in Ukrainian folklore

This work is dedicated to the image of a wolf piercing the folklore of Ukrainians and our ancestors, Indo-Europeans. The reason buy a comparison and contrast essay now for writing it, first of all, the desire to understand why since childhood I associate myself with the wolf, why in fairy tales, my grandmother told me the wolf is always “wolf-brother” and not otherwise

Understand why the image of wolves is not scary in our area, while elsewhere about them make scary movies? Finally, explain to yourself and others why Ataman Sirko got his dog’s name! First of all, you need to understand who the wolf is and what kind of wolf he is. First of all, Canis lupus – Wolf is a common large forest predator. It can be up to a meter tall and weigh up to 50 kg. The wolf is known to feed its legs, so it is perfectly adapted to long runs and sharp jerks. Wolves live in almost all landscape areas, although they are most common in the steppes, forest-steppes, tundra and even semi-deserts. They form flocks that break up into families in the spring to produce offspring. The main prey for the wolf are large ungulates. This is nothing more than an encyclopedic note. Now more about the qualities that make wolves look like humans: The wolf is a real hunter. In addition to his own agility in hunting uses the help of relatives, features of the landscape. He is noble and just – under normal circumstances, he will not attack opponents weaker than himself. He is clean – the wolf does not eat carrion. The wolf is free, freedom-loving and independent, while lions are trained in circuses. He is fearless – he fights for victory or death. The wolf is monogamous, raising his children. They have no adultery. Such a wolf lives in Central European forests. Not surprisingly, the ancient peoples who lived from hunting wanted to be like him. The cult of the wolf in our area dates back to antiquity, even pre-Indo-Europeans had a totem cult of this beast. Hence the conclusion that all the peoples of the Indo-European language group will have the appropriate cults and their reflection in folklore. This is exactly what Professor L. Zalizniak claims, moreover, he offers it as a sign that distinguishes this language group among others. According to Herodotus, the ancient Slavs – the Neurites believed that each of them turns into a wolf for a few days each year, and then regains its human image. This is confirmed in particular by paleolinguistics and comparative linguistics. All Indo-Europeans have common words for species of trees and animals: oak, birch, hornbeam, beech, ash, aspen, willow, yew, pine, walnut; Wolf, bear, lynx, fox, jackal, wild boar, hare, snake, beaver; eagle, crane, crow, black grouse, goose-swan. The analysis of the folklore of European peoples has the image of a chthonic wolf devouring the sun and the stars. Although on the other hand, this wolf cloud gives nourishing milk (rain). The Slavs oppose the winged dog Semargl-Pereplut, which guards the crops and waters them with rain. Similar images exist in all Indo-European peoples – from the Scandinavian Fefnir to the Indian Sarama. Lithuanians and Czechs call Vespers (Hesperus – the planet Venus) – the Wolf Star, namely Zwerinne / Zwiretnice from zweris – the wolf. In ancient Western Russian translations of the book of Job, the word beast corresponds to the wolf. Comparative linguistics gives us other knowledge – how important wolves were in the lives of European peoples. This can be traced by the number of derived words and concepts from the base noun. Here, however, we must take into account the ancient taboos – the wolf was called: fierce, master, uncle, brother, Ivan, gray. Ukrainians call the second month of winter “February” which is also called wolf time. The whole tribal union of the Polabian Slavs was called “lyutychi”. Chechens and Ingush call the wolf a “greyhound” and borrowed a “greyhound” – a fast-footed breed of dog, and a “greyhound” – a bold. The wolf is a predator back Skand. vargr means wolf, robber and thief. The words Wolf and Thief are cognate. In folk songs, the word wolf is replaced by the epithet February, there are enough reasons to deduce it from the SNK. root lu – to tear, torment, plunder. In addition, it is significant that the adjective fierce in local dialects means fast – “he fiercely run” that is fast-footed. According to Jacob Grimm, the Old German warg (Gothic vargs, Isl. Vargr) is cognate with the enemy, which in can also mean devil. In addition, the presence of the wolf in proverbs and sayings. Most of all it is connected with the negative consequence of speaking in the voice of his name: “I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away” “about the wolf growling, and the wolf to meet” “about the wolf in silence, and the wolf in the house) “” don’t call a fork out of your hair! “. Belarusians say “Emu wok ran across the road” about a lucky man. Ukrainians said that “if the devil’s thunder did not strike, the wolves did not eat, they would be born, and the world would not be visible” It should be noted that ancient beliefs associated the wolf with Perun – respectively, (Perun) gave “thus killed by a wolf animal was perceived as a victim that promised the owner good luck.



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