The tsunami warnings triggered after the two quakes were lifted after a few hours.

14.04.2020 0 Comment Blog

The tsunami warnings triggered after the two quakes were lifted after a few hours.

Animals seem to be far ahead of humans in this regard. They research and research: But so far, scientists have not yet managed to predict earthquakes precisely – not even in the high-tech country of Japan. Why actually? “” We cannot look into the earth. It’s a chaotic process, “” explained the seismologist and geophysicist Prof.

Michael Weber from the Geoforschungszentrum (GFZ) Potsdam. “” You have to think of it this way: if you bend a beam, you can’t say exactly when it will break. “” His colleagues at GFZ also point out that the methods are too imprecise for an exact earthquake prediction The right instruments are missing – and the costs could be astronomical. Even with tsunami early warning systems like this one in Indonesia, no precise earthquake predictions can be made. (Photo: picture-alliance / dpa) Gernot Hartmann from the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in Hanover also dampens excessively high expectations: “” You can only estimate probabilities, “the expert explained. “” Predictions with date and precise delimitation of the area one day in advance so that one could still evacuate, that is not possible. “” One knows exactly where tensions are building up. But there is no way of precisely measuring these conditions. Hartmann’s assessment: “” Even in the foreseeable future we will not succeed. “” In times of need, researchers also look for unusual solutions.

The geologist Ulrich Schreiber from the University of Duisburg-Essen, for example, relies on ants – more precisely: on the species of the hill-building wood ant. According to his observations, the small crawfish behave strangely during underground earthquakes and could perhaps one day even serve as a warning system – a very controversial hypothesis. The warning signals from animals are said to have saved native tribes on the Indian islands of Andaman and Nicobar Islands during the tsunami in late 2004. The roar of wild elephants, which retreated into the interior of the islands, the screams of birds and the conspicuous behavior of dolphins and lizards drove people to flee from the monster wave in time, as researchers reported. Wild animals in particular are extremely sensitive, confirmed an animal rights activist in Sumatra in Indonesia.

Many of them have enormous hearing skills and can hear the water masses in the distance. “” We cannot predict earthquakes. Neither with machines nor with animals, “” says Heiko Woith from the Geo Research Center in Potsdam. In the past, however, there have actually been some astonishing individual observations, for example with elephants. A systematic investigation into whether animals can predict earthquakes is still pending. Source:, Silvia Kusidlo, dpa “The people in Banda Aceh prefer to camp outdoors this biology essay writing service in usa The shock was great for them, even if there was no damage (Photo: dpa) After the violent earthquake in the Indian Ocean, the authorities give the all-clear.

The tidal waves expected first are smaller than feared. There is no major damage in Indonesia. Experts praise the tsunami early warning system, which apparently worked well. Two very strong earthquakes off the Indonesian island of Sumatra have terrified and panicked millions of people around the Indian Ocean within a few hours.

Memories of the catastrophe at the end of 2004 were awakened. But this time the people were spared the worst. The tsunami warnings triggered after the two quakes were lifted after a few hours.

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said: “” We thank God. “” The first tremor and the almost equally strong aftershock two hours later were among the most violent earthquakes in recent years. Millions of people, including many vacationers, were therefore on the alert. Many people fled from possible tidal waves to higher areas, including on the Thai holiday island of Phuket. Experts explained that there were no meter-high waves by the fact that there was only horizontal earth movements. “If the sea floor only moves horizontally, significantly fewer water masses are set in motion,” said Rainer Kind from the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam. The earthquakes had a strength of 8.6 and 8.2, like the earthquake observatories USA announced. The first occurred at 3:38 p.m. local time, according to Central European time at 10:38 a.m.

The second followed about two hours later. The first quake had its center around 435 kilometers southwest of Banda Aceh at a depth of around 22 kilometers, the second around 620 kilometers away, at a depth of 16 kilometers. In 2004 the quake had a value of 9.1. The waves that followed tore 230,000 people to their deaths.

The city of Banda Aceh was almost completely destroyed in 2004. At that time, 170,000 people died in Sumatra alone. In the provincial capital Banda Aceh in Sumatra, people ran into the streets in panic, sirens wailed, and thousands fled by car or moped. After the initial shock, however, the people reacted with composure. The German development worker Ramona Thiele in Banda Aceh reported that she had seen neither injuries nor damage while driving through the city. Most shops closed after the tremors, she said on the phone.

The power went out and after a few hours, Indonesia lifted its tsunami warning. According to the earthquake observatory, there were only minor waves along the coast of Sumatra and on offshore islands. The tsunami warning center in Hawaii had given the all-clear for all countries around the Indian Ocean. It never issued a direct tsunami warning, but called for increased attention from the authorities in the countries. The center announced that there was only one tidal wave of about 60 centimeters. The experts pointed out, however, that there may be special local conditions. The tsunami warning system developed with German participation in Indonesia has again proven itself, according to the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).

The alarm chain is in place, there are evacuation plans and protection zones, people know what to do in the event of a warning, said GIZ crisis prevention expert Michael Siebert. A spokesman for the Federal Ministry of Research in Berlin said the first warnings had been sent four minutes after the earthquake off Sumatra, and tourists were called on to clear the beaches on the west coast of Thailand with the popular holiday island of Phuket. Phuket Airport has also been temporarily closed. In Thailand, more than 5000 people died after the 2004 tsunami, including many foreign tourists. Source:, dpa “The earthquake puts Italy back in fear. (Photo: / ) Central Italy does not come to rest: the earth shakes again several times in the Amatrice region.

The tremors can also be clearly felt in Rome. Some metro stations in the capital even have to be evacuated, and a new tremor has shaken central Italy. According to the GFZ geological research institute in Potsdam, this had a strength of over 5. The epicenter was again in the region around the town of Amatrice, which was destroyed by a series of earthquakes last year.

The tremors could also be felt in Rome. According to the news agency Ansa, some underground stations in the capital were evacuated as a precaution. Evacuated students and lecturers in Rome after an earthquake in front of a school. (Photo: dpa) In the morning there were already two magnitude 5 quakes that hit the people back into fear and terror. The first quake had a magnitude of 5.3, said the Italian earthquake monitoring station INGV. This was followed by an even stronger tremor, which could also be felt as far as Rome.

According to the GFZ geological research institute in Potsdam, it had a strength of 5.5. The extent of the damage was initially unclear: According to the earthquake observatory, the center was about ten kilometers below the surface between the Abruzzo town of L’Aquila and the town of Rieti in the Lazio region and thus close to the town of Amatrice. The area was hit by a major series of earthquakes last summer, killing 299 people in August. Entire places had been destroyed. Snow and freezing cold are currently also causing problems for the people in the area. According to initial information, there has now been minor damage in Amatrice again.

In Accumoli, which was also largely destroyed in the summer, the mayor said that this time, according to initial information, there would be no major damage. In the city of Rieti, schools were evacuated around 10:30 a.m. after the quake, reported the Ansa news agency. Houses shook in Rome too. Many places in the earthquake region in the Apennines have already been completely destroyed.

Tens of thousands of people were made homeless last year and have been living in temporary shelters ever since. Since then, severe tremors have been shaking the region regularly. Italy is repeatedly hit by severe earthquakes.

The reason for the quakes are huge tensions that build up in the underground. Because the “” Adriatic spur “” – an appendage of the African tectonic plate – rubs against the Eurasian plate here. This is one of the reasons why Italy’s low mountain ranges have unfolded. The enormous energies can discharge. Source:, npa / dpa “Several people were killed in the collapsing houses in the earthquake. (Photo: REUTERS) The day is only a few hours old when suddenly the earth in northeast India Numerous people run into the streets, but for some any help comes too late.

The severe quake also wreaked havoc in neighboring Bangladesh: after a severe earthquake in northeast India, rescue workers recovered nine bodies in the region. At least 200 people were injured. In the Indian state of Manipur, six people were killed when house walls collapsed and stones fell, according to official information.

According to media reports, three people died of heart attacks in neighboring Bangladesh. In India, more than 40 people were injured by the quake, said a senior Manipur government official. A hospital representative in Imphal even reported more than 50 injuries. Many of them suffered head injuries or broken legs and arms. At least ten people in Bangladesh were treated in hospitals.

According to the police, 40 injured people were treated in a hospital in the capital Dhaka alone. Among them is a student who jumped from the fourth floor out of fear and seriously injured himself. Four people were injured when a house in the northeastern district collapsed, said a police spokesman. The US earthquake monitoring station USGS gave the earthquake strength as 6.7, the geological research institute in Potsdam measured 6.6. The tremors were also felt in Myanmar, Bangladesh and Bhutan, and since the earthquake happened at sunrise, most of the people were in their homes. However, there are few high-rise buildings in the region that are particularly at risk of collapse.

Rather, it is mainly one-story houses that are being built in Manipur on the border with Myanmar. The news channel NDTV showed pictures of cracks in walls and collapsed walls. People ran into the streets in a panic when the quake started at 4:35 a.m. local time. “” Our building started shaking and we just ran to safety. It was the worst earthquake we have ever experienced in our lives, “” a man told the “Times Now” station. “The epicenter of the quake was just 29 kilometers west of the state capital Imphal, where more than 250,000 people live. In April of last year, a massive earthquake struck the adjacent Himalayas and killed around 9,000 people in Nepal, India, China and Bangladesh.

The triangle between Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan was shaken in October and December. “” I noticed how my room in the government guest house in Siliguri was moving, “wrote Trade Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Twitter. Also on Twitter, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked Interior Minister Rajnath Singh, who is also currently in the region, to observe the situation on site. Source:, cri / dpa / AFP / rts “Shaken 17 days after the devastating earthquake in Nepal Another tremendous earthquake hit the Himalayan state. According to the German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam, the earthquake has a magnitude of 7.2. The earthquake two and a half weeks ago had a magnitude of 7.8. In Nepal there was another violent earthquake. Like the German Geoforschungszentrum in Potsdam reported the quake had a magnitude of 7.2 on the Richter scale.

It was only a little weaker than the devastating quake two and a half weeks ago. The epicenter of the new quake was only a few dozen kilometers east of Kathmandu. The tremors could also be felt in the capital of Nepal itself. Correspondents reported that numerous people ran into the streets in a panic, and after initial reports several houses collapsed. There were again fatalities and several bodies were brought out of a building, said Paul Dillon, spokesman for the Intergovernmental Organization for Migration (IOM). However, there was initially no official information on damage or casualties. 17 days ago, a tremor with a magnitude of 7.8, followed by many aftershocks, wreaked havoc in Nepal’s capital.

The country suffered over 8,000 deaths. The clean-up is still in full swing. Nepal is on the spot where the Indian pushes into the Eurasian plate. That is why there are always severe earthquakes.

In the case of the new quake, the speech was initially of magnitude 7.4. Source:, jog / dpa “Devastation on the island of South Pagai. (Photo: REUTERS) The three-meter-high tidal wave that started on Monday night Flooded islands off the coast of Sumatra on Tuesday, probably killing more than 500 people. The early warning system worked, says the geo-research center in Potsdam involved in the project. Nevertheless, many residents could not be warned in time. More than two days after the tsunami, the Indonesian Authorities have little hope of rescuing missing people. The number of deaths rose to at least 370, but the rescue workers reckon with more than 500 victims in view of the high number of missing persons. According to the disaster control authorities, 338 people are still missing.

More than 48 hours after the disaster, there was little hope of finding survivors, said a representative. “” We flew over the islands and only saw corpses. “” According to his estimates, at least two thirds of the missing people did not survive the disaster. Survivors of the tsunami in an emergency shelter on one of the Pagai Islands off Sumatra. (Photo: AP) The remote islands A 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit the coast of Sumatra on Monday evening, and a three-meter high tidal wave hit them a little later.



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