10 ml of vinegar, vegetable oil, and liquid laundry detergent were put into the 100 ml of water in beakers 1, 2, and 3 respectively, leaving beaker 4 for the control experiment

15.04.2020 0 Comment Blog

10 ml of vinegar, vegetable oil, and liquid laundry detergent were put into the 100 ml of water in beakers 1, 2, and 3 respectively, leaving beaker 4 for the control experiment

The sporangia are particularly slender therefore the length varies across species. The width of the slime moulds is 1-1.5 mm additionally the length is 2 cm. Stalks extend to your head form a support column, which will be referred to as the columella. The spore mass is supported with a capillitum system. For Stemonitis axifera, sporangia are brown upon maturation. These sporangia develop in clusters with each cluster deriving support from the hypothallus (a cellophane base). These species colonize wood and have the capability to rot entire logs at a fast rate.

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in the earth’s surface, water collection happens through precipitation, which is observed in rivers, dams, and surface lakes. On the other hand, groundwater percolates through the rocks and collets within the permeable spongy-like rocks associated with earth’s crust. While rainwater is referred to as pure and ideal for supporting life, including human consumption, natural and human triggered processes result in the contamination and pollution of water. You start with gases released to your atmosphere to your industrial effluents that find their way to the water catchment areas and also to the floor water, natural and individual processes lead to the contamination associated with 1% of freshwater readily available for consumption. Major pollutants of the surface water include gases within the environment, silt that finds its means to the surface water resources, farm chemical substances, along with sewerage along with other industrial effluents. The chemical substances that find their means past the earth’s crust pollute the ground water, as well as mainly include chemical pollutants seeping to the ground (Chiras, 2010).

As water percolates through the soil, living organisms reduce the quantity of contaminants seeping to your water table. However, the microorganisms don’t prevent all pollutants from achieving the water table, and likewise, they release gases to the soil after death and decomposition, which also result in the groundwater. Therefore, the biological processes ensure that groundwater is always contaminated, though scientists claim that the floor water contains less levels of contaminants, when compared with the top water. The analysis associated with available freshwater reveal to key elements, such as the available freshwater is little, and secondly, there are lots of contaminants that lead to the pollution of freshwater (Agarwal, 2005). The consumption of contaminated water is actually dangerous; therefore, the appropriate mechanisms should be implemented in order to make water suitable for human consumption and for domestic use.how to begin a profile essay Thus, the processes of water treatment and purification enter into play. The water treatment and purification process involves aeration, flocculation processes, sedimentation, filtration process, and finally the chlorination process. The addressed water then would go to the lab evaluating process, where tests are carried out to ensure the water is suitable for human consumption. In the United States, the Safe normal water Act sets forth the criteria that the water must surpass with regard to the pH and minerals content to ensure it is safe for domestic use (Chiras, 2010). This lab report presents the analysis of I) ramifications of ground water contamination, II) water treatment, and III) the quality of normal water through lab experiments I-III, as discussed herein.

Materials and techniques

The first lab experiment is targeted at establishing the capability of laundry detergent, vinegar, and cooking oil to contaminate the floor water. The experiment began by filling four beakers labelled 1-4 with 100 ml of water, utilizing the graduated cylinder of volume 100 ml. 10 ml of vinegar, vegetable oil, and liquid laundry detergent were put into the 100 ml of water in beakers 1, 2, and 3 respectively, leaving beaker 4 for the control experiment. The contents of beakers 1-3 were mixed thoroughly, utilizing the wooden stir stick, with observations made and recorded. The 2nd area of the experiment began utilizing the lining of funnels, utilizing moist cheese cloth to ensure it stuck to your walls associated with funnel, then 60 ml of soil ended up being put into the cheese-cloth-lined funnels, using the 100 ml graduated cylinder. The contents of beaker’s 1-3 were filtered through the soil filled cheese-cloth-lined funnels, and observations made in each one of the four setups. Contents of beaker 4 were left still for the control experiment.

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The second experiment is looked for to appear to the ability of filtration techniques in getting rid of and eliminating contaminants within the water treatment and purification procedures. The second experiment began utilizing the creation of a soil and water mixture with the addition of 100 ml of soil into a 250 ml calibrated cylinder and filling the latter to your 200 ml mark, with the addition of 100 ml of water then combining the contents thoroughly. The initial 10 ml associated with solution of soil and water were put aside to be used once the control experiment. 10 g of alum ended up being then put into the soil and water mixture, additionally the resultant solution was allowed to settle after thorough stirring and mixing. The process ended up being followed to permit for the flocculation process to occur. The solution of soil, water, and alum ended up being split into 10 ml, that was passed through the sand and cheese-cloth-lined funnel. The next 20 ml ended up being filtered via a cheese-cloth-lined funnel, containing activated charcoal, while the last 40 ml were filtered through gravel. 75% associated with remaining soil, water, and alum solution ended up being filtered through the solidified cheese-cloth-lined filter, after which bleaching solution was put into the filtered water representative associated with chlorination process.best buy 123helpme Observations of this filtered contents were made, and compared to the control experiment contents.

The last experiment entailed the evaluating associated with water available in the market for compliance utilizing the minimum criteria, as provided for underneath the Safe normal Water Act associated with united states of america. The tests were conducted to examine the minimum minerals contents associated with water therefore the pH of two publicly traded, ready-to-drink water brands. The tested brands included Dasani and Fijji. The contents were in comparison to those of plain tap water. The experiments were conducted by the immersion of chloride, ammonia, phosphate, iron, while the 4-in-1 test strips into examples of Dasani, Fijji, and plain tap water. The results involved colour change, while the colour alterations in the test strips were observed against the respective test strips secrets for the chloride, ammonia, phosphate, iron, while the 4-in-1 test strips.

Results and Discussion

The first experiment ended up being looked for to try the capability of vegetable oil, vinegar, and liquid laundry detergent to contaminate the groundwater, while the hypothesis with this experiment reported that all three components have the potential of polluting the groundwater. Within the observations, vegetable oil, being a contaminant of ground water, was observed to create a layer of oil since the surface of water. In fact, the cover of oil prevents the penetration of oxygen to the water, leading to the death of organisms and microorganisms in water. The death and decomposition associated with microorganisms releases gases within the water, which in turn percolate into the groundwater; thus, causing its contamination. However, the filtration associated with vegetable oil filled water through the soil revealed that soil is able to filter oil from water, infiltrating to your water, and therefore, oil being a component, lacks the ability to pollute the floor water. Within the vinegar filtration experiment, vinegar ended up being observed to cause a brown coloration associated with water. This means that vinegar dissolves to the water, forming an answer. The filtration associated with vinegar and water solution through the soil revealed that the vinegar contaminant did not get filtered by the soil, leading to the final outcome that vinegar being a soluble chemical component had the capability to contaminate both surface and ground water. Therefore, more complex water treatment processes are necessary to lessen or to eradicate vinegar from water within the water purification process (Kumar, 2004). Thirdly, the liquid laundry detergent resulted in an odor that could be identified within the water before filtration and after the filtration through the soil. Conclusions were then made, supporting the hypothesis that the detergents have the ability to contaminate both the surface and ground water.

Experiment two ended up being looked for to determine the efficacy of different ways of filtration, utilizing sand, gravel, and activated charcoal. The experiment’s results would be applicable within the designing of an effective water filtration system, combining the three components tested within the experiment. Sand ended up being observed to get rid of large particles from the water, resulting to a clearer than that seen in activated charcoal and gravel. Secondly, gravel ended up being observed to get rid of smaller particles than sand, but larger than those removed by the activated charcoal. And finally, the activated charcoal ended up being observed to get rid of fine particles from the water, leaving the bigger ones. Therefore, the three components could be combined to create three layers, you start with sand at the very top, then gravel, and lastly activated charcoal in the filtration process to ensure the procedure results into a far better filtration process (Kumar, 2004). Within the last experiment, the goal was to test the compliance associated with water distributed for human consumption utilizing the requirements put down in the Safe normal water Act with regard to mineral contents and pH. Plain tap water appeared to have significantly more iron oxide, as reflected by the brown coloration, in comparison to Fijji and Dasani respectively. a similar observation ended up being created using the phosphate content, because the test strips indicated 50 in the phosphate strip and 0.6 in the iron strip for the plain tap water. The plain tap water indicated to possess low amount of chlorine having a neutral alkalinity at 7.0.


In conclusion, the above-discussed experiments are targeted at explaining the dependency relationship between humanity while the environment within the purification of water. The experiments indicate that although people can depend in the environment to rid the water of such contaminants as oil spillages along with other chemical pollutants, the surroundings occurs to have a particular amount of ineffectiveness; therefore, and therefore people have to purchase water treatment plants to help make the water ideal for consumption and domestic use.

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The mother also sensitizes her daughter about her sexual maturity giving her lessons about her menstrual period. She insists on being clean as she instructs the lady to always soak her inner clothing. The story develops utilizing the mother striving to teach her daughter the right honorable ways of living demonstrating the detriments of living a carefree life. Hygiene and moral uprightness are the most crucial lessons that mom desires her daughter to understand (Kincaid 14). An element of spirituality is shown when she recommends the lady not to sing neighborhood stylish music in the area of worship. However, mom realizes that her daughter may perhaps not adopt fully exactly what she instructs her to accomplish. Therefore, she also teaches her on various survival techniques such as for instance showing her abortion medicines in case everything turns different as she fears. The sexual advice provided by mom all comes together with social advice. She educates her on how best to interrelate with folks of diverse nature, those she is attracted to, those she hates and the ones who are able to ruin her life.

The story captures various ways in that the adult population must mold their children’s behavior. The story vividly illustrates the mother’s fears in regard to her daughter growing up within an environment that won’t facilitate her to have a decent adulthood. The fears associated with mother make the daughter constantly protest, and various symbols are increasingly being applied by the author to show and model a young woman into a responsible individual.

Contradiction within the Story

The story contains problems that are embraced by most people in society. The girl-child education is an important element of life of any girl. The lessons are often well taught by their mothers since they will be presumed to possess had experience and really should have the ability to provide the most useful advice (Kincaid 17). However, the story illustrates a big contradiction between her thoughts and exactly what she is teaching her daughter. The contradiction is available in where the mother vividly imagines just how her daughter, having grown up, would turn into a loose woman. It is demonstrated in most cases associated with narration. Furthermore, these assumptions have are not reasonable regardless of the moral and spiritual guidance provided to by mom. The main question that arises is why she focuses a great deal on giving advice to her daughter, yet being convinced that the lady would come to be a slut. Therefore, the contradiction here is perceived as the mother’s ultimate love and faith in her child are increasingly being outweighed by full confidence in her poor morals.

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General Opinion concerning the Story

The “Girl” story has led to most people looking at it from an antagonistic perspective. Scholars like Frank Birbalisingh perceive “Girl” as one of the most remarkable woman writing pieces in West India. The author’s experiences of her youth days in Antigua which have been narrated within the story illustrate various negative forces of poverty and colonialism that affected lots of people. Others look at the piece being a generalization associated with the mothers’ call to their daughters (Ferguson 12) and as a true definition of the role of a mother within the society. They attribute various parenting methods of the ones mentioned within the story because the experiences described are based on the realities associated with modern world.


The actual paper derives its main theme from the story. The writer centers on the role of a mother in girl-child education. The reading questions if the girl-child education should be the duty associated with society or mom.

Regrettably, majority of the young girls’ population endures a lot of sufferings and faces deep frustration due to your absence or insufficient understanding of how to deal with different life challenges. They are usually cast to the world and left to learn the real life on their. Many recommendations indicate the lady being a weaker sex that requires guidance in order to deal with exactly what the world brings forth. Majority of communities have taken the initiative to teach girl children on various facets of puberty and how to deal with it, hygiene, relationships, moral criteria, spirituality and marriage (Ferguson 52).

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however, mother plays a significant role in the life stages of her daughter. She helps to realize why various things happen and watches her cope with different life circumstances. Experience could possibly be the most useful teacher. Furthermore, a mother understands her daughter better than virtually any person in the world. She is able to recognize her disadvantages and help her develop a brave and courageous attitude to overcome her weaknesses (Ferguson 65).

Within the conventional African and Indian communities, girls and boys weren’t allowed to socialize freely unless underneath the watch of an elderly person. The stages of a child’s development were vital and were completed with caution because the society did not tolerate any misbehavior that arose from a girl. If she ended up being found indulging in a variety of methods that did not hold her dignity, for example, sexual immorality, she ended up being cast from the society. She ended up being regarded as a misfit and cursed by the elders. The society viewed the lady child once the keeper of morals. Young girls relied on their mothers and elderly ladies for teachings on maintaining a house (Ferguson 65).

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Nowadays, mothers play a very pivotal role in the life of the daughters in just about any community. They equip the girls utilizing the necessary armor to handle various challenges as they are vulnerable. In line with the above discussion, it may be stated that the most useful person to provide a girl-child education is her mother because through time, they have learnt to study their children. These are typically conscious of exactly what their children can handle doing. Education centered on strengthening the weak options that come with character and establishing high moral values may be the most useful education one can ever get, and a mother due to the fact closest person can perform that within the most useful manner.

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Order Essay with this Title is a very powerful novel. Apart from Hollywood-like special ramifications of vampires’ transformations and their terrifying encounters with people, the job presents many other crucial problems. For example, the theme of sexuality and sexual interest is thoroughly presented within the novel. Reasonably, you can note that it is all about sex, however the essence of author’s method of writing his masterpiece is clarified with an in-depth analysis only. In the one hand, the Count’s lifestyle seems to embody the best evils of humanity that contradict the norms and behavioral rules set by the society of this time. On the other hand, Dracula’s life is free from barriers that humans cannot overcome being limited by social prejudices and religious burdens, which are mere way of control over human minds. Therefore, the motive of sexual interest is definitely an eloquent way to show the vices and shortcomings of Victorian society. Plagiarism Free Prices From only 12,99$/page

Hidden Desires vs. Societal Limitations

in the first place, sexual interest demonstrates the truth that social dogmas limit individuals’ life choices and possibilities to reside to your fullest. For instance, Jonathan’s encounter with weird sisters or Dracula’s mistresses is really a vivid illustration of the issue. First, the below quotation explicitly emphasizes the proven fact that Harker is inevitably affected and sexually excited by these ladies:

“There was something about them that made me uneasy, some longing and also at the same time some lethal fear. I felt within my heart a wicked, burning desire they would kiss me with those red lips. It is not good to notice this down, lest some day it should satisfy Mina’s eyes and cause her pain; but it is the truth” (Stoker 3.29).

A hero feels an overwhelming desire, but is forced to admit he has a fiancée, making him try to abandon the sexual lust to be able to remain an obedient and righteous representative of a society where the expectations of others are weighted above human individuality and nature. Therefore, in place of following the rules of nature where mating and intercourse are the norms for reproduction and manifestation of a direct male function, Jonathan is obliged by the rules of society, particularly religious criteria, which identify sex being a marriage-focused issue and a sin behind its scope.

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What’s more, within the light of revelation of sexual desires, this topic is further explicated within the male-to-female dominance where the will of a man is superior to that of a female. Man’s willingness to be controlled with a woman being a sexually aggressive partner manifests male’s weakness and therefore, it has to be eliminated or at the least hidden, given the social norms. Such societal limitation is actually demonstrated within the following quotation:

“The fair girl continued her knees, and bent over me, fairly gloating. There was a deliberate voluptuousness that was both thrilling and repulsive, and as she arched her neck she actually licked her lips as an animal, till i possibly could see within the moonlight the moisture shining in the scarlet lips and on the red tongue because it lapped the white sharp teeth” (Stocker 3.32).

Given this description, among the weird sisters is presented as an animal-like sexual object who seduces a guy by making him feel utmost and all-embracing sexual interest, and be under her control in a quest of delight and satisfaction. The Victorian age ended up being a period of male superiority in everything, including sexual behavior. Therefore, Jonathan’s wishes and revelations represent him and males in general as a weaker gender, even though such state of affairs ended up being unacceptable within the society associated with late 19th century. On the other hand, the vampire’s kiss depicts a female as an aggressor within sexual domain demonstrating that men and women change their capabilities in such circumstances. On a similar note, a guy, specifically Jonathan, seems quite pleased with rather passive role regardless of the social prejudices held by the majority. This evidences that the strict distinction between male and female roles in a society was a great flaw in its overall functioning. Consistent and blind adherence to generalized criteria is both impossible and unjust in respect to human individuality.

Patriarchal Dominance in Society

In addition, patriarchy is presented in within the light of sexual interest motifs as well. First, the Count himself may be the greatest patriarch within the general hierarchy of characters within the novel. Besides exercising control over the behavior and methods of his three mistresses, Jonathan is really a susceptible to specific desire that drives his wishes to determine and maintain his control. Previously illustrated awakening of Harker’s lust for the vampire wives, in fact, demonstrates Dracula’s dominant position, whom he trains like wolves to obey his instructions by emphasizing his power over them: “How dare you touch him? Some of you! Just How dare you cast eyes upon him when I had forbidden it? Right Back, I tell you all! Beware how you meddle with him, or you shall suffer from me!” (Stoker 3.37). This phrase by the Count embodies a whole inner sense of the men-centered society. His character behaves being a sole proprietor of human life, particularly in female’s perspective. Similar attitude ended up being relevant in Victorian society where even royal females should have obeyed male’s superiority.

‘Forbidden’ Female Sexuality

At the same time, the novel presents female’s sexuality not just by proving its existence, but additionally by depicting this event in contrast to the patriarchal dominance in everything. Lucy’s story is the most self-explanatory exemplory case of this factor. First, this is certainly evidenced by her dilemma when it comes to choosing her future husband among the three applicants. Within the text, it is demonstrated in another of her letters to Mina. She writes a few rhetorical questions, that the society cannot answer: “Why can’t they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble? But this is certainly heresy, and I must not say it” (Stoker 5.15). This signifies that Lucy’s sexuality contradicts her inner philosophy. At the same time, she is also forced to contradict these aspirations.

Further, Dracula’s vampirism enables Lucy to reveal her inner self and free her desires as opposed to the previous restrictions based on societal rules of thought and behavior. To illustrate, she addresses Arthur in a sexual manner without hiding her all-embracing desire: “In a sort of sleep-waking, vague, unconscious means she opened her eyes, which were now dull and hard at the same time, and said in a soft, voluptuous sound, such as for instance I had never heard from her lips: – “Arthur! Oh, my love, i’m so glad you have come! Kiss me!” (Stocker 12.70-71). Therefore, vampirism enables Lucy, and maybe virtually any woman, to raise her own sound instead of be forced to imprison her actual wishes and sexuality behind the bars of societal and religious dogmas. In this context, vampire blood has turned into a way of self-revelation or perhaps a truth drug, as we say.


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    Finally, sexual interest enables females to reveal their affection toward men they decide for life better in comparison to forced obedience to husbands’ will that is promoted by social criteria. As soon as sexual freedom previously desired by Lucy is achieved, she wants to be having a man she’s chosen as her husband and expresses this wish openly. Lucy’s following quotation can be referred to as a good example of this wish: “Come in my experience, Arthur. Leave these others and come to me. My arms are hungry for you. Come and now we can rest together. Come, my hubby, come!” There was something diabolically sweet in her tones – something associated with tingling of glass when struck” (Stoker 12.74-75). While Arthur hasn’t yet found a kind-hearted and noble woman to adore, he feels this desire as well. Clearly, this does not mean that females are totally lust-overwhelmed creatures. The real meaning of the novel may be the revelation that society, which develops rules and tips for people’s behavior creates the stereotypes that are baseless modes of control over human nature. The latter is structured in a different manner. For this reason, human nature is susceptible to evils and this makes individuals rebel.


    Last however the least issue to think about is homosexuality, which will be another topic within the scope of societal restrictions that vampire’s sexual desires allow to derive and explicate as existing facets of a society. Within the context of a novel, this forbidden topic is articulated through Dracula’s attitudes toward Jonathan. Its acute illustration is vivid when Jonathan has cut himself while shaving and a slight strip of blood flows on his neck tempting Dracula. Also, the previously argued forbid of his mistresses touching the realtor since he belongs to him, evidences his homosexual feelings to a young man. What is more, he believes that establishing at the least partial possession over Mina, who belongs to Harker, her fiancée, allows him to possess Jonathan to some extent, provided a good example of just how she sucked blood from his chest that is referred to as an act of oral sex:

    “. . . the Count turned his face, while the hellish look that I had heard described appeared to leap into it. His eyes flamed red with devilish passion. The truly amazing nostrils associated with white aquiline nose opened wide and quivered at the side, while the white sharp teeth, behind the entire lips associated with blood dripping mouth, clamped together like those of a wild beast” (Stoker 21.41).

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    In this light, Dracula simply frees all of the vices that are present in a society of his time rather than provokes people to become sinners and evokes sexual desires, which allows readers to trace this connection between fables and realities of a social life.

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    Order Essay with this Title is really a well-organized literary ensures that allowed the author to explicate the vices and shortcomings of Victorian society. With this approach, Stoker revealed to your world that human nature is sinful in its nature, while society and religion altogether constrain individual wishes and desires which are innate. Certainly, this does not mean that there must be no norms or criteria of behavior. However, the society of his time ended up being centered on a self-lie that contradicted any facets of individualism. Thus, Stoker used sexuality as a way to show this drawback provided the types of Jonathan, Mina, Lucy along with other characters. Book Review "When people have confidence in by themselves, they stay centered on self-improvement and also to see by themselves within the more objective light. Also, it will help them to reach their possible.

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    providing to others has probably one of the most positive impacts on people. They say “the more and more people give, the greater their attitude” (Maxwell 49).

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